A side gig is a great way to earn extra cash. It is an opportunity to branch out on your own, and it could even grow into a full-time business that allows you to “quit your day job.” One thing to keep in mind while running a side hustle is the importance of protecting your business and yourself in case something goes wrong. To be fully protected, you may need business insurance.
Does Every Side Gig Need Business Insurance?
Whether or not you need business insurance depends on the level of risk associated with your side gig. If you are working on someone else’s house, you need insurance for protection against liability. On the other hand, if you are working from home as a writer, there is not much risk involved, and you may not need the protection. Consider the following to help you decide if you need business insurance for a side hustle:
Does Every Side Gig Need Business Insurance?
Whether or not you need business insurance depends on the level of risk associated with your side gig. If you are working on someone else’s house, you need insurance for protection against liability. On the other hand, if you are working from home as a writer, there is not much risk involved, and you may not need the protection. Consider the following to help you decide if you need business insurance for a side hustle:
Does Every Side Gig Need Business Insurance?
Whether or not you need business insurance depends on the level of risk associated with your side gig. If you are working on someone else’s house, you need insurance for protection against liability. On the other hand, if you are working from home as a writer, there is not much risk involved, and you may not need the protection. Consider the following to help you decide if you need business insurance for a side hustle: